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Hydrogeologic Framework of the South Carolina Coastal Plain




This is a collection of products from the Hydrogeologic Framework of the South Carolina Coastal Plain (Hydrogeologic Framework) developed by the SCDNR Hydrology Section. Many datasets have been used to develop the framework, including geophysical logs and lithologic logs from boreholes across the coastal plain. These data are used to generate borehole logs, cross-sections with hydrogeologic units interpolated between boreholes, a GIS database, and an ArcGIS Dashboard.


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Material Request Instructions

Please contact SCDNR Hydrology staff in regards to access to these materials.


The purpose of this collection is to disseminate information about the hydrogeologic framework of South Carolina's Coastal Plain.


SCGS and the Hydrology Section are within the SCDNR, a state agency. All records, reports, data sets, and notes are available through FOIA requests; however, we freely supply information on request. Access to the Hydrologic Framework is available from agency publications, and data is available by contacting the hydrology section staff. We impose no restrictions on making our data available.SCGS and SCDNR Hydrology Section impose no restrictions on the re-use, re-distribution, or the development of derivative products. Data descriptions and use restrictions are included when the data are delivered to inform the user of the intended purpose, scale and scope of the data set. We ask that original data source be acknowledged.

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