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Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.1 Summary Statistics by Public Access Category


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U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Gap Analysis Project (GAP), 2021, Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.1 Summary Statistics by Public Access Category: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Public access spatial analysis and statistic summaries of the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) provide land managers and decision makers with a general assessment of public access across the nation, as represented by the Public Access Category (see Public Access Cat Definition sheet in Microsoft Excel downloads). Area statistics include total acreage, acres by managing agency, and percent access. These summaries are available for various units: National, State, Department of the Interior Region, Congressional District, County, Hydrologic Unit Code 12, EcoRegions I-IV, Urban Areas. Overlapping designation boundaries are intersected into fee simple lands in the Vector Analysis File ( [...]


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Pub_Access_National (US States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 National Statistics for U.S. States and Territories (CENSUS 2019)”
37.5 KB application/
Pub_Access_National (US States only)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 National Statistics for U.S. States Only”
37.5 KB application/
Pub_Access_National (CONUS Only)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 National Statistics for CONUS Only”
37.5 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsBySTATE (U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _April2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by State”
420.5 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByCOUNTY (U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _April2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by County”
8.91 MB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByCONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT (U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _April2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by Congressional District”
2.17 MB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByDOI REGION (U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _April2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by DOI Region”
134.5 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByECOR_I_(U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by North America EcoRegion Level 1”
130.5 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByECOR_II_(U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by North America EcoRegion Level 2”
223 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByECOR_III_(CONUS Only)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by U.S. EcoRegion Level 3”
693.5 KB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByECOR_IV_(CONUS Only)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by U.S. EcoRegion Level 4”
4.07 MB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByURBAN AREAS (U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _April2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by CENSUS Urban Areas”
5.6 MB application/
Pub_AccessStatsByLCC_(U.S. States and Territories)_PADUS2-1 _May2021.xls
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics by Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC)”
224.5 KB application/
“Python script used to calculate statistics for sub-unit boundaries”
26.26 KB application/zip
“Python script used to calculate statistics by input file”
19.81 KB application/zip
“PAD-US 2.1 Statistics By Public Access Category Metadata XML”
9.4 KB application/zip


This summary of the PAD-US is created to provide land managers and decision makers with a general assessment of public access across the nation, as represented by the Public Access Category. Area statistics include total acreage, acres by managing agency, and percent access. Where Public Access is “Unknown”, area totals include both places classified in the PAD-US as Unknown (e.g. private easements) and the remainder of the relevant jurisdictional area summarized in the Summary Statistics by Public Access Category spreadsheets (largely private land). The full PAD-US inventory includes many designated areas that overlap in a given place (e.g. National Monument in a National Forest) and represent many values in the public interest (e.g. National Parks, urban parks, farmland easements, historic sites). For example, Protection Status by GAP Status Code statistical summaries are also available to provide a general assessment of management intent to protect biodiversity across the nation and identify areas managed for multiple uses, including natural resource extraction, as represented by the GAP Status Code (Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.1 Summary Statistics by GAP Status Code associated items of PAD-US 2.1 Spatial Analysis and Statistics, 2021;


Public Domain. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.


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