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Minnesota Point: XYZ files of lidar and multibeam sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, July 2020


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Hanson, J.L., Sattler, S.R., and Lund, J.W., 2021, XYZ files of lidar and multibeam sonar data collected at Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, MN, July 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset consists of two files containing northing, easting, and elevation ("XYZ") information for light detection and ranging (lidar) data representing the beach and near-shore topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The point data is the same as that in the LAS dataset used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) of the approximately 2.27 square kilometer surveyed area. Lidar data were collected July 23, 2020 using a boat mounted Velodyne unit. Multibeam sonar data were collected July 20th and 23rd, 2020 using a Norbit integrated wide band multibeam system (iWBMSc) sonar unit. Methodology for data collection similar to Wagner, D.M., Lund, J.W., and Sanks, K.M., 2020 was used.


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Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. 112.34 MB chemical/x-xyz 250.28 MB chemical/x-xyz


Data were collected in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Detroit District, to define beach topography and near-shore bathymetry after placing dredge spoils to mitigate beach erosion. This post-placement survey was completed to evaluate movement of placed material and overall changes to the barrier island and surrounding nearshore area approximately 1-year after nourishment placement. The XYZ files are provided for input use in CAD and other computer programs that require space-delimited position and elevation information.



  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)



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