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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from mangrove and salt marsh ecosystems in Tampa Bay, Florida, 2015


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O'Keefe Suttles, J.A., Eagle, M.J., Mann, A.G., Smith, C.G., and Kroeger, K.D., 2021, Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from mangrove and salt marsh ecosystems in Tampa Bay, Florida, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Coastal wetlands in Tampa Bay, Florida, are important ecosystems that deliver a variety of ecosystem services. Key to ecosystem functioning is wetland response to sea-level rise through accumulation of mineral and organic sediment. The organic sediment within coastal wetlands is composed of carbon sequestered over the time scale of the wetland’s existence. This study was conducted to provide information on soil accretion and carbon storage rates across a variety of coastal ecosystems that was utilized in the Tampa Bay Blue Carbon Assessment (ESA, 2017; linkage below). Ten sediment cores were collected from six Tampa Bay wetland sites in October 2015 (maximum core length 40 centimeters). Three main vegetation types were targeted for [...]


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“Photograph of a Juncus marsh in the Tampa Bay estuary, Florida.”
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Sediment cores were collected, age-dated, and their carbon content was measured to calculate vertical accretion and carbon burial rates. Data were collected to determine 1) carbon burial rates in typical Tampa Bay ecosystems and 2) the ecosystem resilience to sea-level rise.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9QB17H2

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