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Jarnevich, C.S., Belamaric, P.N., and Houts, M., 2021, Second Iteration of Range Wide Lesser Prairie Chicken Lek Habitat Suitability in 2019, Predicted in Southern Great Plains: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The "" data bundle is comprised of the metadata and Vistrails workflow that contains the following history nodes, which contain modeling workflows: "NLCD2016 state bckgrnd" and "NLCD2016 wostate bckgrnd". These nodes produced the following 9 output rasters: 1) Probability map (without state) 2) MPP threshold (without state) 3) Five percent threshold (without state) 4) Ten percent threshold (without state) 5) Probability map (with state) 6) MPP threshold (with state) 7) Five percent threshold (with state) 8) Ten percent threshold (with state) 9) Maxent MESS map


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To provide efficient and complete documentation and reproducibility for species distribution model results. Field data and predictors were obtained to create predicted maps of lek habitat suitability to inform management decisions related to this species of concern.

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