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Waterfowl Disturbance in California and Nevada (2018)


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Lorenz, A.A., McDuie, F.P., Klinger, R.C., Overton, C.T., and Casazza, M.L., 2021, Waterfowl disturbance in California and Nevada (2018): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Long-term environmental management to prevent waterfowl population declines is informed by ecology, movement behavior and habitat use patterns. Extrinsic factors such as human-induced disturbance can cause behavioral changes which may influence movement, and resource needs, driving variation that affects management efficacy. To better understand the relationship between human-based disturbance and animal movement and habitat use, and their potential effects on management, we GPS tracked 15 dabbling ducks in California over about 4-weeks before, during and after the start of a recreational hunting season in October and November 2018. We recorded locations at 2-minute intervals across three separate 24-hour tracking phases: Phase 1) [...]


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Data was collected as part of a broader ecological study to assess waterfowl habitat requirements, availability, and produce management options in support of tidal marsh restoration efforts within Suisun Marsh.



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Western Ecological Research Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/P92N1BBF

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