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Rare Plant Occurrences Geodatabase for the Northern Channel Islands


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McEachern, A.K., Niessen, K.G., Rudolph, R.P., and Lee, L.F.S., 2021, Rare plant occurrences geodatabase for the northern Channel Islands: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Rare Plant Occurrences geodatabase is an element occurrence data system with about 10,000 records of rare plant observations on the 6 northernmost California Channel Islands. It is a live database created with the purpose of bringing together in one space all discoverable historic and current information on the localities of about 180 rare and sensitive plants of the northern Channel Islands, California. The list of taxa was developed from agency databases, supplemented with a 1-day workshop with area botanists in 1993; the list has been updated as new information emerges. Data records range from the late 1880s to 2019, including information from herbarium labels, published and unpublished literature, agency files, botanist field [...]


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The Rare Plant Sightings geodatabase serves as a repository of singular observations of occurrences of rare and sensitive plants in the Channel Islands. It includes information on location, numbers and conditions of plants, associated species and environmental characteristics, as well as metadata on original data sources and accuracy of the spatial data. The purposes of the database are to organize information about the rare plants of the northern Channel Islands into a searchable database and to allow adding repeat observations so that changes in occurrence status can be tracked through time. Because the records come from disparate sources collected over many decades they represent an information archive rather than accurate estimates of population abundance. The primary use for location data is as a reference point for the location of a plant population, not to define the boundaries of a population.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZRSZ1N

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