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Linear Distance as a Measure of Substrate Rugosity of Permanent Benthic Transects at San Nicolas Island, California


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Kenner, M.C., and Randell, Z.H., 2022, Benthic kelp and invertebrate counts, California sheephead abundance, substrate rugosity data, and benthic temperatures from long-term kelp forest ecosystem monitoring sites at San Nicolas Island, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The data represent 3 replicate measures of linear distance along 30 fixed transects on permanent subtidal monitoring sites around San Nicolas Island, CA. There were six sites, each of which had five 10-meter by 2-meter band transects on which a suite of kelps and macroinvertebrates was repeatedly counted over almost four decades. Although the transects are each approximately 10 m long, as measured with a meter tape extended between start and end eyebolts set in the sea floor, crevices, boulders, and reef structure provide much more than 20 square meters of surface area. In an effort to quantify the differences in rugosity between the transects, a 13 cm-circumference electronic surveyor’s wheel was used to measure the linear relief [...]


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The data were collected to quantify differences in substrate rugosity between benthic transects and sites in a long-term study of subtidal rocky bottom communities at San Nicolas Island, CA. Analysis has shown that higher substrate rugosity is associated with greater community stability.



  • USGS Western Ecological Research Center



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