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Synthesis of the new North American tree-ring fire-scar network: using past and present fire-climate relationships to improve projections of future wildfire


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Increasing wildfire activity in much of North America is having severe impacts on society and ecosystems. Climate change is a key driver of changing fire regimes across North America, with varying expressions across the continent. Modern fire records, while useful, are too short to fully characterize the complex patterns and non-linear dynamics of fire-climate relationships that are required to understand future fire activity in a warmer climate. Tree-ring fire scars offer a unique perspective because they are spatially precise, direct evidence of fires with annual to sub-annual resolution spanning centuries. For the first time, we have compiled tree-ring fire scar records across North America (n = 2,593 sites, 35,602 trees, >300,000 [...]


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ponderosa pine cross-section containing multiple tree-ring fire scars.png
“ponderosa pine cross-section containing multiple tree-ring fire scars”
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ponderosa pine cross-section containing multiple tree-ring fire scars
ponderosa pine cross-section containing multiple tree-ring fire scars


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis



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