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Geographic Searches for USGS Publications (Bureau-wide Application)


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Langseth, M.L., Chang, M.Y., Carlino, Jennifer, Bellmore, J.R., Birch, D.D., Bradley, Joshua, Bristol, R.S., Buscombe, D.D., Duda, J.J., Everette, A.L., Graves, T.A., Greenwood, M.M., Govoni, H.S., Henkel, H.S., Hutchison, V.B., Jones, B.K., Kern, Tim, Lacey, Jennifer, Lamb, R.M., Lightsom, F.L., Long, J.L., Saleh, R.A., Smith, S.W., Soulard, C.E., Viger, R.J., Warrick, J.A., Wesenberg, K.E., Wieferich, D.J., and Winslow, L.A., 2016, Community for Data Integration 2015 annual report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–1165, 57 p.,


The purpose of this project is to improve the USGS Publications Warehouse (Pubs Warehouse) so that a person can search for USGS publications by geographic region in addition to existing search criteria; for example, one could search using map zooms or congressional districts. The addition of geographic searches allows users to narrow their search results to specific areas of interest, which reduces the time required to sift through all results outside the area of interest. In FY 2014, the project team determined that the ScienceBase Footprint Studio would be an appropriate tool for creating the footprints for USGS publications and decided on the technical implementation for information exchange between ScienceBase and Pubs Warehouse. [...]


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Enhance Publications Warehouse by adding geographic search.

Project Extension



  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)



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