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Fish Surveys within 500-meters of Alasmidonta heterodon in the Connecticut and Delaware Watersheds from 1999 - 2019


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Ryan, J.E., and Roy, A.H., 2022, In-vitro Propagation and Fish Assessments to Inform Restoration of Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta Heterodon): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) is a federally endangered freshwater mussel that once ranged from New Brunswick to North Carolina, but now only exists in isolated populations throughout its diminished range. This study aimed to understand links between fish abundance and dwarf wedgemussel abundance and occurrence in the Connecticut and Delaware watersheds. Specifically, my study objectives were to 1) characterize fish assemblages near dwarf wedgemussel locations and unoccupied locations, 2) determine if dwarf wedgemussel occurrence and abundance are related to abundance of the known host fish species, tessellated darter and other potential host fish species per St. John White et. al. (2017). Two fish repeatedly emerged [...]


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The data outline fish surveys conducted within 500 meters of known dwarf wedgemussel presence and absence locations across 5 states in the Connecticut and Delaware watersheds. This research will be used in conjunction with habitat and genetic information to inform future restoration plans and help find potential augmentation sites for dwarf wedgemussel to help the recovery of the species. Raw fish survey data collection can be used in conjunction with electrofishing shock seconds to determine fish catch-per-unit effort.

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