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Assessing Vulnerability of Vegetation and Wildlife Communities to Post-Fire Transformations to Guide Management of Southwestern Pine Forests and Woodlands

Principal Investigator
Aaron Flesch


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Wildfire is a natural and essential process in forest ecosystems, but characteristics of fire regimes that have shaped these landscapes over long time scales are changing with climate change and human activities. In some places, changes in fire size, frequency, and severity threaten to degrade essential ecosystem services that produce clean air and water, fertile soil for crop and wood production, and habitat for plant and animal species. Hence, it is urgent to understand how both our actions and inactions contribute to the vulnerability of forest ecosystems and to develop management practices that help sustain and conserve vegetation and wildlife communities in vulnerable forest systems. Our project will address this challenge across [...]

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“Oro Valley, Santa Catalina Mountains, AZ, USA; Photo Credit: Jose Iniguez (USFS)”
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projectStatusIn Progress

Oro Valley, Santa Catalina Mountains, AZ, USA; Photo Credit: Jose Iniguez (USFS)
Oro Valley, Santa Catalina Mountains, AZ, USA; Photo Credit: Jose Iniguez (USFS)


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southwest CASC



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