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Developing a Cave Conservation Management Toolbox by Exploring Cave Microclimates and Biodiversity Patterns

Original Title: Assessing Patterns of Subterranean Biodiversity and Microclimates to Inform Cave Management and Conservation
Principal Investigator
Skylar Hopkins


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The Southeastern United States has vast underground ecosystems where temperatures vary little throughout the year and humidity is always near 100%. These cave and karst ecosystems provide many services to people, such as recreational opportunities, revenue from tourism, and groundwater storage. Caves also provide habitats for important and endangered species, like bats that eat mosquitoes and crop pests. Cave-dwelling species have evolved to live in relatively stable climates, so they may be especially sensitive to climate change. However, it is unclear how surface climate change will affect cave climates and the species that rely on them, because caves are remote environments that have long been difficult to study. This project [...]

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“Prickly Cave Crayfish - Credit: Matthew Niemiller”
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Prickly Cave Crayfish - Credit: Matthew Niemiller
Prickly Cave Crayfish - Credit: Matthew Niemiller


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southeast CASC



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