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United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Dataset


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Grove, C.A., and Merrill, M.D., 2022, United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Dataset: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well (DOW) dataset contains 117,672 wells in 27 states. The definition of an orphaned oil or gas well varies across data sources; the dataset includes oil or gas wells where the state indicates that the well is an unplugged orphan, or the following criteria are met: 1) no production for an average of 12 months (6 to 24 months depending on the state), 2) the well is unplugged, 3) there is no responsible party to manage the well for future re-use or for plugging and abandonment, and 4) the location of the well is documented. The dataset includes location coordinates, American Petroleum Institute (API) number, or other identification number, well type, well status, and additional [...]


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The dataset was created to provide documented orphaned well data to decision makers, as well as researchers, and other interested parties in a publicly available online format.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P91PJETI

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