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Average Estimates of Water-Budget Components Based on Hydrograph Separation and PRISM Precipitation for Gaged Basins in the Appalachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011


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Nelms, D.L., Messinger, T., and McCoy, K.J., 2015, Average Estimates of Water-Budget Components Based on Hydrograph Separation and PRISM Precipitation for Gaged Basins in the Appalachian Plateaus Region, 1900-2011: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. As part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Groundwater Resources Program study of the Appalachian Plateaus aquifers, estimates of annual water-budget components were determined at 849 continuous-record streamflow gaging stations from Mississippi to New York. Base flow, which can serve as a proxy for annual recharge, streamflow, and runoff were estimated from computer programs—PART (Rutledge, 1993), HYSEP (Sloto and Crouse, 1996), and BFI (Wahl and Wahl, [...]


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This geodatabase contains a point feature class of 849 continuous-record streamflow gaging stations in the Appalachian Plateaus Region where water-budget components were estimated. Tables containing annual and average estimates of water-budget components for the respective periods of analysis are also included. The following water-budget components are included in the annual and average tables—precipitation, evapotranspiration, streamflow, and six estimates of base flow, runoff, and base-flow index from the separation techniques. Two relationship classes are included between the point feature class and the annual and average tables.
Map of the study area
Map of the study area



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These data were originally released on the Water Mission Area National Spatial Data Infrastructure Node and were migrated to in 2023. These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS's policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9B5K5C2

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