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Plant cover and density and sagebrush growth in Idaho roadsides treated with herbicides and bioherbicides


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Lazarus, B.E., and Germino, M.J., 2023, Plant cover and density and sagebrush growth in Idaho roadsides treated with herbicides and bioherbicides: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Proliferation of cheatgrass and other exotic annual grasses such as medusahead and ventenata are a major environmental concern and operational problem for roadsides in Idaho. These annual grasses are highly flammable and they shorten fire-return intervals. Flammable vegetation is particularly hazardous in roadsides because of proximity to a ready source of ignition, and fires that start on roadsides can spread into adjacent public lands and urban communities with sprawling home development, causing extensive and expensive damage and degradation to wildlife habitat, rangelands, private or public property, utilities, etc. Thus, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has a strong interest in preventing roadside vegetation from becoming [...]


Attached Files

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BattalionPro_EIS_BC_cover.csv 9.6 KB text/csv
Blacks_Creek_hydroseed_cover.csv 1.63 KB text/csv
Eisenman_fall greenup_density.csv 11.71 KB text/csv
Eisenman_Rake_Seed.csv 51.44 KB text/csv
Eisenman_respray_cover.csv 5.97 KB text/csv
US95_ARTR_growth_plot_means.csv 3.46 KB text/csv
US95_cover.csv 14.3 KB text/csv
US95_respray_cover.csv 12.98 KB text/csv


To evaluate target and non-target effects of tools for controlling exotic annual grasses along roadsides.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P99M0SP6

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