LakeLevel Tracker: A Google Earth Engine-based web application for characterizing lake water levels
Abhishek Kumar, Allison Roy, Konstantinos Andreadis, Xinchen He, and Caitlyn Butler, 2023, LakeLevel Tracker: A Google Earth Engine-based web application for characterizing lake water levels: LakeLine, vol. 43, iss. 4.
LakeLevel Tracker’s user interface: Key features The application’s freely available interface guides users through a straightforward process to generate data and simple figures. Users can access the GEE web application at this link (https://, navigate to a lake and specify a date range to generate surface water area and water level charts (Figure 1). Users can visualize changes in surface water area and water level over seasons or years and download the data for further analysis. More information on how to use this web application with step-by-step instructions can be found at this link (
LakeLevel Tracker’s user interface: Key features
The application’s freely available interface guides users through a straightforward process to generate data and simple figures. Users can access the GEE web application at this link (https://, navigate to a lake and specify a date range to generate surface water area and water level charts (Figure 1). Users can visualize changes in surface water area and water level over seasons or years and download the data for further analysis. More information on how to use this web application with step-by-step instructions can be found at this link (