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Global dataset on the effects of climate change on ecosystem goods and services (EGS) compiled from English language papers published between 2014 and 2018


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Delos, M.C., Johnson, C.G., Weiskopf, S.R., and Cushing, J.A., 2024, Global dataset on the effects of climate change on ecosystem goods and services (EGS) compiled from English language papers published between 2014 and 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Climate change is a pervasive and growing global threat to the supply and demand of ecosystem goods and services that maintain human well-being. A recent review found that the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services are sometimes mixed, posing challenges for managers who need to adapt to these changes. We expand on earlier work by exploring drivers of varying responses of ecosystem services to climate within studies. We conducted a systematic review of English-language papers directly assessing climate change impacts on the supply, demand, or monetary value of ‘provisioning services’, ‘regulating services’, or ‘cultural services’. Ultimately, we extracted data from 44 papers published from December 2014 to March 2018. In addition [...]


Originator :
Marcy C Delos, Ciara G Johnson, Sarah R Weiskopf, Janet A Cushing
Point of Contact :
Sarah R Weiskopf
Metadata Contact :
Sarah R Weiskopf
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Funding Agency :
National CASC
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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The compiled data underlie a synthesis of recent and future climate effects on ecosystem service supply, demand, and monetary value. By integrating information from recent publications, the data spreadsheet and associated synthesis update and extend previous literature reviews (particularly, Runting et al., 2017). The data spreadsheet also represents a literature library of climate impacts on ecosystem services, which can be aggregated or disaggregated by study areas and methodologies, ecosystem service features and interactions, drivers of variation in ecosystem service responses, climate and non-climate driver interactions, uncertainty assessment approaches, and decision-making implications. Research gaps discerned from the data (e.g., described in the synthesis paper) can inform crucial directions for future studies. In addition to supporting analyses that yield valuable summaries for practitioners (e.g., managers, decision-makers, planners), this literature library can be a source of context-relevant case studies for ensuring continued flows of nature’s benefits to people in an uncertain and changing climate. Runting, R. K., Bryan, B. A., Dee, L. E., Maseyk, F. J. F., Mandle, L., Hamel, P., Wilson, K. A., Yetka, K., Possingham, H. P., & Rhodes, J. R. (2017). Incorporating climate change into ecosystem service assessments and decisions: A review. Global Change Biology, 23(1), 28–41.


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This dataset was revised, please review "revision.history.txt” in the attached files section.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P1VED5SA

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