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Yucaipa Integrated Hydrologic Model: simulating future climate scenarios in the Yucaipa Valley Watershed, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California (In Press)


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Ryter, D.W., and Alzraiee, A.H., 2024, Yucaipa Integrated Hydrologic Model: simulating future climate scenarios in the Yucaipa Valley Watershed, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Managing water resources in semiarid watersheds is challenging because of limited water supply and uncertain impacts of future climate conditions on groundwater resources. This paper examines the impact of future climate changes on the urban Yucaipa Valley watershed in southern California using an integrated hydrological model referred to herein as the Yucaipa model. Coupled Groundwater and Surface-water FLOW (GSFLOW) modeling software was used to simulate the nonlinear relationships between climate trends and precipitation partitioning into evapotranspiration (ET), runoff, and subsurface storage. Four global climate models (also known as general circulation models or GCMs), each with two greenhouse-gas (GHG) scenarios: Representative [...]


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The purpose of this model is to better understand and quantify the hydrologic system of the Yucaipa subbasin and the effects of future climate scenarios forecast by selected global climate models. The Yucaipa model was developed using the USGS groundwater and surface-water flow model (GSFLOW; Markstrom and others, 2008). GSFLOW simulation software consists of two integrated model components: (1) a watershed-component model developed by using Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), and (2) a groundwater-component model developed by using the MODFLOW Newton-Raphson formulation MODFLOW-NWT. The integrated surface water and groundwater model was developed for the Yucaipa Valley Watershed, a 316 square kilometer watershed that encompasses the Yucaipa subbasin. The historical simulation period is 1947 through 2014 and the future simulation period is 2015 through 2099. Daily time steps are used to represent climate stresses and monthly stress periods are used to represent groundwater stresses (groundwater pumping, anthropogenic recharge, etc.).


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