Final Report: Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by North Carolina State University (2017-2023)
Publication Date
2025-01-10, Final Report: Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by North Carolina State University (2017-2023): U.S. Geological Survey.
NC State University (NCSU) has largely met target objectives described in the Term Sheet (provided by NCASC) for the Phase 2 reporting period from August 1, 2017 - August 1, 2024. Over this period, NCSU has augmented the scope of work due to leveraged activity, new partnerships across the university, and new consortium members. We welcomed five new consortium members at the start of this phase. This includes four university partners – Auburn University, Duke University, University of Florida, and University of Tennessee – that have specific contractual activities associated with the new host agreement; University of South Carolina continued research and development on partner projects initiated in Phase I. This document highlights [...]
NC State University (NCSU) has largely met target objectives described in the Term Sheet (provided by NCASC) for the Phase 2 reporting period from August 1, 2017 - August 1, 2024. Over this period, NCSU has augmented the scope of work due to leveraged activity, new partnerships across the university, and new consortium members. We welcomed five new consortium members at the start of this phase. This includes four university partners – Auburn University, Duke University, University of Florida, and University of Tennessee – that have specific contractual activities associated with the new host agreement; University of South Carolina continued research and development on partner projects initiated in Phase I. This document highlights both original and additional objectives achieved over the course of this program phase.