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Collection of mineral pulps and mineral core samples from Alaska (GMC)


This collection as a whole includes diamond drill core from hardrock/lode mineral prospects that have been donated to the Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC) by private entities or that have been recovered from properties during reclamation of historic mine and exploration sites by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The core is stored in waxed cardboard or plastic boxes. Mineralized portions, and in some cases the entire the core, has been split and sampled. Some core may have been quartered and sampled, or entirely consumed. The condition and completeness of the core varies widely. The individual records listed are comprised of diamond drill core from identified mineral prospects; it may include some coal prospects, and may include [...]

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akdggs_item_metadata_for_gmc_core_fy2022.csv 3.7 MB text/csv
akdggs_item_metadata_for_gmc_core_fy2021.csv 2.31 MB text/csv

Material Request Instructions

All samples, processed materials, maps, documents, and data reports at the Alaska GMC are available to the public for examination except those designated by the Curator as confidential. Please contact the GMC, at 907-696-0079 or visit the website to arrange a visit.


The cores and samples stored at the GMC are critical for exploration and resource management in the state, as the information, they will likely help discover new or additional oil and gas reserves, regions of viable geothermal energy or new mineral prospects. Modern sophisticated analysis of archived samples is widely recognized as a cost-effective alternative to the tremendous expense of core drilling and resampling in the field.


All samples, processed materials, maps, documents, and data reports at the Alaska GMC are available to the public for examination except those designated by the Curator as confidential.


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ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



This collection and its items were originally created by funding from FY 2013 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program. The collection was reviewed and updated by funding from FY 2020 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, award number G19AP00077.

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
sourceSystem CSC 1088861
UniqueKey State Inventory P1076

NGGDPP Collection Extension

usageTrendThe trend of usage for this collection would increase if the samples were archived in a usable, user friendly database or archiving system and if the collection were archived in a clearly marked fashion within a useable space.

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