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Collection of hand samples from Alaska (DGGS)


The Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) surface sample collection consists mostly of hand samples collected during projects involving DGGS geologists, but also includes pulps and residues. The accuracy of the sample metadata differs based on the time frame of the project that originated the samples. The DGGS projects fall in two categories: (1) legacy projects where sample locality information was not recorded systematically in either a physical or digital format and (2) recent and current projects where sample locality information has been recorded in digital databases. This collection consists of 123,808 rock samples as of 2020, though not all are accessible to the public or have location information. DGGS's [...]

Child Items (54803)


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

alaska_samples_06222018.csv 18.83 MB text/csv
“Collection Metadata Source File”
3.42 KB application/xml
v_nggdpp_sample_metadata_12282020.csv 20.44 MB text/csv

Material Request Instructions

All samples, processed materials, maps, documents, and data reports at the Alaska GMC are available to the public for examination except those designated by the Curator as confidential. Please contact the GMC, at 907-696-0079 or visit the website to arrange a visit.


This important collection represents more than half a decade of DGGS's geologic work in Alaska and supports thousands of reports and maps published by DGGS geologists. Modern sophisticated analysis of archived samples is widely recognized as a cost-effective alternative to the tremendous expense of core drilling and sampling in often remote areas of Alaska.


All materials are owned by the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



This collection has been updated with additional records by funding from FY 2020 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, award number G19AP00077.

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
sourceSystem CSC 1089163
UniqueKey State Inventory P1315

NGGDPP Collection Extension

usageTrendThe trend of usage for this collection would increase if the samples were archived in a usable, user friendly database or archiving system and if the collection were archived in a clearly marked fashion within a useable space.

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