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Collection of Rock Cuttings from Kentucky


In 1960, the Kentucky Geological Survey was designated as the official repository for oil and gas drilling records, along with well samples, under the provisions of Kentucky Revised Statute 353. This statute requires that samples of rock cuttings from selected oil and gas test wells drilled in Kentucky be saved. Samples submitted to the Kentucky Geological Survey are stored, cataloged, washed, indexed, and protected for immediate or future use. The well sample collection contains cuttings from approximately 14,850 wells throughout Kentucky.

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oilgas_cuttings_1112017.xml 21.92 MB application/xml
oilgas_cuttings_1112017.xml 21.92 MB application/xml
“Collection Metadata Source File”
5.01 KB application/xml

Material Request Instructions

Well samples can be searched at the following web page: (limit by Included data = samples)

Well samples can be inspected by appointment by calling the KGS Earth Analysis Research Library at 859-389-8810.


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This collection record was derived from a survey of State Geological Survey organizations conducted under the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program. Final Harvest from State Inventory on Fri Nov 12 15:17:36 CST 2010

Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
UniqueKey State Inventory P864
sourceSystem CSC 1089259

NGGDPP Collection Extension

usageTrendThe increase in the price of oil on the world market has had a direct impact on the amount of activity at the KGS Well Sample and Core Library. Higher oil prices have made increase exploration economically feasible. Investors and the energy industry are once again looking at deeper plays in sparsely drilled areas, Devonian age oil shales and tar-sand deposits in Kentucky. Exploration geologist are examining cores and cuttings available at the library from wells drilled in the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's as they again gather information, interpret geology, and identify potential hydrocarbon prospects. As the present geology workforce becomes older and geologist retire there are many positions to be filled. Recent exploration activity plus a shortfall of geologist in the workplace has resulted in more students enrolling in the geology programs at universities. As a result, there is an increase of use of the facility by both professors and students. The expected long-term usage of the collection at KGS is increase activity, first with hydrocarbon activity, CO2 issues, coal exploration and metals exploration.

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