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Potential Palouse Prairie Remnants


2013-10-31 23:55:38
Last Update
2017-07-26 17:11:08
Publication Date
Publication Date


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region/SWCA(Metadata Contact), Chris Looney, Entomology Laboratory, Washington State Department of Agriculture(Originator), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region/SWCA(Metadata Contact), Chris Looney, Entomology Laboratory, Washington State Department of Agriculture(Originator), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2013-10-31(creation), 2017-07-26(lastUpdate), 2011-12-31(Publication), 2011-12-31(Publication), Potential Palouse Prairie Remnants


This dataset contains the data described in Looney and Eigenbrode's 2012 Natural Areas journal article (Characteristics and Distribution of Palouse Prairie Remnants: Implications for Conservation Planning), including potential Palouse remnants, a boundary for the study area, and a set of potential remnants that lay outside of the study area. While the potential remnants inside the area were reviewed based on limited ground-truthing described in the article, those outside the area were not. As such, there are likely potential remnants that are in fact re-colonized field margins or drainage ditches, or CRP-like plantings. Since the focus was primarily on eyebrows located in agricultural contexts, many of the river canyons (e.g. the Snake [...]


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md_metadata.json 33.96 KB application/json
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5.05 KB application/fgdc+xml 571.12 KB application/zip
Looney and Eigenbrode 2012.pdf 320.3 KB application/pdf

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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact)


These data were developed by Chris Looney and Sanford Eigenbrode to improve understanding of the remaining native Palouse ecosystem. Later, the potential fragments were used as conservation targets in the Arid Lands Initiative Spatial Prioritization Analysis.


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  • Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC

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