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Homestead National Monument of America Vegetation Mapping Project - Spatial Vegetation Data

Vegetation Inventory


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Homestead National Monument (HOME) encompasses 184 acres in Gage County, west of Beatrice, Nebraska. This unique site hosts the oldest prairie restoration in the National Park system, and the second-oldest tallgrass prairie restoration known. This park unit also has a small remnant of native tallgrass prairie and remnants of bur-oak forest. The park also provides significant cultural resources, with historic buildings and a Heritage Center devoted to the history of homesteading. To better understand the distribution of the plant assemblages located on these sites, the NPS Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network started a vegetation mapping and classification effort at HOME in 2007.A three-year program was initiated to complete the [...]


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The National Vegetation Mapping Program is an interagency initiative established to inventory, classify, describe, and map vegetation in National Park units and other areas across the United States. It is administered by the USGS Center for Biological Informatics and the NPS Natural Resources Information Division, and provides baseline vegetation information to the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program.

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