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National Dam Removal Science Database


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Wieferich, D.J., Bristol, R.S., Bellmore, J.R., Vittum, K.M., Duda, J., and Craig, L., 2016, National Dam Removal Science Database, U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, doi:10.5066/F7QR4V7Q.


The removal of dams has increased in recent years due to aging infrastructure, changing societal needs, and modern safety standards. Where possibilities for river restoration, or improved safety, exceed the benefits of retaining a dam, removal is more often being considered a viable option. Yet, as this is a relatively new development in the history of river management, science is just beginning to guide our understanding of the physical and ecological implications of dam removal. Ultimately, however, deciding if and how to remove aging dams should be guided by “lessons learned” from previous studies that have examined the ecosystem effects of dam removal. We are creating a dynamic database that organizes published scientific information [...]


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The National Dam Removal Science Database is a distributed data system made up of several constituent registries and discrete datasets. It is partially accomplished through major components of the Biogeographic Information System, a research infrastructure powered by ScienceBase. All of the references to the various component data elements are listed as associations with this ScienceBase Item. The information concepts in the National Dam Removal Science Database are all managed through a vocabulary referenced in a link.


The data you have secured from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) database identified as the National Dam Removal Science Database have not received USGS approval and as such are provisional and subject to revision. The data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.
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The National Dam Removal Science Database is a distributed data system, consisting of multiple registries and discrete datasets, that was originally derived from the USGS Dam Removal Science Database, a discrete relational database released in Microsoft Access format (reference item associations). The various components of the National Dam Removal Science Database provide their own provenance information for specific sources and processing done to build and maintain the data into the future.

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doi doi:10.5066/F7QR4V7Q

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