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Good Fire vs Bad Fire

Klamath Tribal Youth Program


Date Received


On July 31st, 2014 a fire started on the Lower Salmon River Basin and continued to burn upstream. This fire gave local scientists and water quality managers an opportunity to study how fires in the ecosystem can impact our fisheries. (Robinson, 2013) In a theoretically “perfect” world there should never be a “bad” fire. For example, back before the Europeans and foreigners arrived, long before forest service was around, the native people used fire so frequently that when lightning would touch down that all the lightning would do nothing but burn all the unwanted brush or tress that wasn’t useful and using a lot of groundwater that can also be generated more toward the old growth. It wasn’t until the forest service came around where [...]


(other) :
Charley Reed

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Charlie Reed NPLCC TEK-CC Final Paper_19Aug2014 (1).pdf
“Student Intern Project Report”
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This article is seeking to address the differences between negative impacts and positive impacts fire can have on our fisheries if done correctly and frequently enough. Another purpose for this paper is to educate the community of Somes Bar, California as well as all of northern California, which fire needs to be in our ecosystem to prevent these catastrophic events. And that not all fires are necessarily “bad.” Local Klamath River Tribes, such as the Klamath Tribes, Karuk Tribe, Yurok Tribe and the Hoopa Tribe have used fire as a tool for hundreds of years to survive and provide food for their families as well as safety precautions. Spreading the word that Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Scientific research is the formula to adjusting our lifestyle with the upcoming climatic changes.


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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