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Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review PACs


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US Fish and Wildlife Service (Wyoming Ecological Services) , 2014 – Scott Gardner, California Fish and Wildlife | BLM Eagle Lake Field Office | USGS Western Ecological Research Center | Kathy Griffin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife | Idaho Department of Fish and Game | Rick Northrup, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks | Aaron Robinson, North Dakota Game and Fish | State of Nevada | Oregon Fish and Wildlife | BLM, South Dakota Field Office (Belle Fourche, SD) | Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Mike Schroeder | Wyoming Game and Fish Department | Bob Budd, State of Wyoming | USGS | BLM


This polygon data set represents all sage-grouse Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) identified in the 2013 Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report. PACs represent areas identified as essential for the long-term conservation of the sage-grouse. The COT determined that the PACs are key for the conservation of the species range wide. PAC polygons were provided by States. This data set has merged all State PACs together and cleaned up the polygons by filling in small gaps along state borders, closing any holes less than 10 acres, and removing any polygons less than 10 acres. This cleaning reduced noise in the data. PACs were then split by population using the ‘GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_Populations’ population [...]


(other) :
James Lindstrom

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This data set represents greater sage-grouse Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) to be used in work for the USFWS 2015 Status Review for the greater sage-grouse. As defined by the 2013 Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report, PACs identify important areas for the long term persistence of sage-grouse and areas to focus conservation efforts.


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ArcGIS Mapping Service

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  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)



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  • Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs)

ArcGIS REST Service Extension


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