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USGS Data at Risk: Expanding Legacy Data Inventory and Preservation Strategies


As one of the largest and oldest science organizations in the world, USGS has produced more than a century of earth science data, much of which is currently unavailable to the greater scientific community due to inaccessible or obsolescent media, formats, and technology. Tapping this vast wealth of “dark data” requires 1) a complete inventory of legacy data and 2) methods and tools to effectively evaluate, prioritize, and preserve the data with the greatest potential impact to society. Recognizing these truths and the potential value of legacy data, USGS has been investigating legacy data management and preservation since 2006, including the 2016 “DaR” project, which developed legacy data inventory and evaluation methods and then [...]

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Project Extension

productDescriptionMore complete USGS legacy data inventory
productDescriptionLegacy Data Inventory and Reporting System (LDIRS) v.2 with improved evaluation, prioritization and reporting features.
productDescriptionCase studies describing real legacy data inventory efforts by 3-5 USGS science centers
productDescriptionPreservation of 3-5 legacy data products with significant potential impact to Missions that are at significant risk of damage or loss.

Glass slide and bathythermogram - examples of data types rescued.
Glass slide and bathythermogram - examples of data types rescued.


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  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)

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