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Biological and physical data for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers collected from a coupled lake-stream ecosystem in north Texas, 2012-2014


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Churchill, C.J., and Quigley, D.P., 2017, Biological and physical data for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers collected from a coupled lake-stream ecosystem in north Texas, 2012-2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Dispersal, establishment, and spread of aquatic invasive species such as the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) can be influenced by riverine velocities and volumetric flows in invaded lake-stream ecosystems. Zebra mussels, which have a planktonic larval form (veliger), disperse rapidly downstream from a source population. Concentrations, dispersal, and body conditions of zebra mussel veligers were studied under different volumetric flow, or discharge, conditions in a coupled lake-stream ecosystem in northern Texas, USA. Veliger densities in lotic environments were strongly related to population dynamics in upstream lentic source populations. A strong exponential decrease in veliger density was observed through a 28-km downstream [...]


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Biological and physical data for zebra mussels.xml
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Biological Data.txt 53.43 KB text/plain
Fig1.JPG thumbnail 58.02 KB image/jpeg
Veliger Densities and Flux.txt 543 Bytes text/plain


Data were collected to assess downstream dispersal dynamics and body condition of zebra mussel veligers under different flow conditions in a coupled lake-stream ecosystem in north Texas. Veliger flux data were reported from one site, A1, which has a USGS streamflow-gaging station.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7CF9N9T

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