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Annual California sea otter stranding data


The California Sea Otter Stranding Network is part of the USGS effort to monitor southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) and provide data to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. WERC's Brian Hatfield and Dr. Tim Tinker works with multiple institutions and partners to report, recover, and examine stranded sea otters. TRENDS IN SEA OTTER MORTALITY Since 1968, biologists and veterinarians at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the USGS Western Ecological Research Center have documented and examined all reported sea otter strandings -- counting the number of dead, sick or injured sea otters recovered along California each year -- in an effort to understand the population trends of the southern sea otter (Enhydra [...]

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“Sea otter found by USGS scientists in Piedras Blancas. Credit: Brian Hatfield”
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The collection of data from stranded sea otters is very important for understanding population demographics. Future researchers will find this useful for comparison purposes.


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Sea otter found by USGS scientists in Piedras Blancas. Credit: Brian Hatfield
Sea otter found by USGS scientists in Piedras Blancas. Credit: Brian Hatfield


  • USGS Western Ecological Research Center

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