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Final Report: Assessment of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Wildlife Water Guzzlers


Publication Date
2013-01-01 06:00:00
Start Date
2013-01-01 06:00:00
End Date
2013-01-01 06:00:00


Clint W. Boal(Author), Phillip K. Borsdorf(Author), Trevor S. Gicklhorn(Author), 2013-01-01(Publication), Final Report: Assessment of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Wildlife Water Guzzlers,


Man-made water sources have been used as a management tool for wildlife, especially in arid regions, but the value of these water sources for wildlife populations is not well understood. In particular, the value of water as a conservation tool for Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) is unknown. However, this is a relevant issue due to a heightened conservation concern for the species and its occupancy of an arid landscape anticipated to experience warmer, drier springs and winters. We assessed if Lesser Prairie-Chickens would use commercially available wildlife water guzzlers and if there was any apparent selection between two design types. We confirmed that Lesser Prairie-Chickens would use bird friendly designed [...]


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Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Distributor)


Wildlife water guzzlers are tanks designed to collect and store rain water so that it is available to wildlife. Wildlife water guzzlers are manufactured in a variety of configurations for different wildlife species, and can be used as part of state and federal wildlife habitat improvement programs. However, the suitability of wildlife water guzzlers for conservation of Lesser Prairie- Chickens has not been assessed. We investigated the utility of commercially available wildlife water guzzlers serving as a management tool for Lesser Prairie-Chicken conservation. Our goals were to determine if 1) Lesser Prairie-Chickens would use commercially available in-ground wildlife water guzzlers designed for game birds, and 2) if there would be a differential use between the two typical designs of wildlife water guzzlers designed for game birds.


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