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Aleutian and Bering Climate Vulnerability Assessment (ABCVA)


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Aleutian Bering Sea Islands LCC(administrator), Aaron Poe(Principal Investigator), 2015-06-30(Release), Aleutian and Bering Climate Vulnerability Assessment (ABCVA),,


This project integrates projections from two climate downscaling approaches into a series of future climate scenarios that will be used to assess the vulnerability of resources and ecosystem services within the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands LCC. It consists of 4 phases: 1) downscaled climate model integration and synthesis, and engagement with key researchers; 2) the development of a set of likely future climate scenarios based on common model projections; 3) an evaluation and synthesis of vulnerabilities of key resources and ecosystem services; and 4) presentation of results and engagement of regional managers and stakeholders in a dialogue about further research and implications. This project will occur as collaboration between [...]


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ABCVA_peer-reviewed_report_final_v5.1.pdf 3.92 MB application/pdf
md_metadata.json 35.54 KB application/json
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50.34 KB application/vnd.iso.19139-2+xml

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Aleutian Bering Sea Islands LCC(Data Owner)


This project integrates projections from two climate downscaling approaches into a series of future climate scenarios that will be used to assess the vulnerability of resources and ecosystem services within the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands LCC.

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urn:uuid urn:uuid 305044cb-c111-4865-a492-ab17968c89c9

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