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Elk GPS collar data from National Elk Refuge (2006-2015)


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Brennan, A., Courtemanch, A.B., Cole, E.K., Dewey, S.R., and Cross, P.C., 2018, Elk GPS collar data from National Elk Refuge (2006-2015): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


17 adult female elk were captured on or around the National Elk Refuge and monitored with GPS collars from 2006 to 2015. Each of these elk were monitored for 1 to 2 years and migrated from the National Elk Refuge to Yellowstone National Park during the spring. Here we provide the unique identifier for each individual elk, the date/time stamp of each GPS location, the GPS location of the elk in UTMs and Lat-Long, the month of each GPS location, the year of each GPS location, and the date of each GPS location in numeric form.


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Elk GPS collar data from National Elk Refuge 2006-2015.csv 10.25 MB text/csv
CTMC and SRP code.txt 5.26 KB text/plain


These data were collected to examine elk spring migration corridors between the National Elk Refuge and Yellowstone National Park using two different resistance and connectivity modeling methods. One of the major issues in predicting migration corridors is understanding landscape resistance to movement and predicting elk movement and space use across a heterogeneous landscape. Elk movement and space use studies are appropriate uses of the data. Elk migratory patterns may change over time as elk populations and habitat conditions vary. The information we provide are based on data collected up to 2015, but may not be accurate as conditions change over time.



  • Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7FF3RNW

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