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Temperature-plus-Landscape Integrity Climate Gradient Corridors


2018-04-16 21:07:24
Last Update
2018-04-16 21:07:26


LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Spatial Data Manager(Point of Contact), Spatial Data Management Unit, Wildlife Program, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife(Point of Contact), Tristan Nunez(Originator), Data Basin(Distributor), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2018-04-16(creation), 2018-04-16(lastUpdate), Temperature-plus-Landscape Integrity Climate Gradient Corridors


These data represent a normalized least-cost corridor mosaic (see WHCWG 2010 and McRae and Kavanagh 2011) calculated using temperature gradients and a landscape integrity resistance raster following the climate gradient linkage-modeling methods outlined in Nuñez (2011), using an adapted version of the Linkage Mapper software (McRae and Kavanagh 2011). These data are depicted in Figure 5b in Nuñez (2011).This GIS dataset is one of several climate connectivity analyses produced by Tristan Nuñez for a Master’s thesis (Nuñez 2011) while a student at the School of Forest Resources at the University of Washington. The dataset was produced in part to assist the Climate Change Subgroup of the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working [...]


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact)


The purpose of layers created using the climate gradient linkage-modeling method (Nu&ntilde;ez 2011) is to help inform conservation practitioners, land use planners, and interested stakeholders in their understanding of areas likely to be important for biota as species adapt their distributions to climatic change. As noted in Nu&ntilde;ez (2011), the results using this method are exploratory and intended to be broad-scale and generic in nature, and are not intended to direct conservation resources to specific locations or organisms. <br /> <br /> The purpose of this specific layer, which is based on both temperature gradients and human land use patterns (landscape integrity), is to illustrate routes on the landscape between landscape integrity core areas that provide for unidirectional change in mean annual temperature between the core areas while avoiding areas of low landscape integrity (e.g., agricultural, urban, or transportation land use areas).


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  • Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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