Flagstaff limestone overlying North Horn formation on northeast side of Sawmill Hollow. Utah County, Utah. 1937.
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Album caption: Flagstaff limestone over North Horn formation on Northeast side of Sawmill Hollow opposite Mollie's Nipple. A thin Flagstaff-like limestone is present in the North Horn formation. Year, 1937. Utah Co., Utah. Index card: Flagstaff ls. on North Horn fm. N.E. side Sawmill Hollow. Note: Panorama with baa00600.
Album caption: Flagstaff limestone over North Horn formation on Northeast side of Sawmill Hollow opposite Mollie's Nipple. A thin Flagstaff-like limestone is present in the North Horn formation. Year, 1937. Utah Co., Utah.
Index card: Flagstaff ls. on North Horn fm. N.E. side Sawmill Hollow.
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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Baker, A.A. Collection.
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