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The eight-day interval during which amphibians first called annually at individual study wetlands across four study areas


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Sadinski, W., Gallant, A.L., Roth, M., Brown, J., Senay, G., Brininger, W., Jones, P.M., and Stoker, J., 2018, The eight-day interval during which amphibians first called annually at individual study wetlands across four study areas: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


To help determine when winter conditions were changing to spring conditions annually in our four study areas, we determined the first eight-day interval (in accordance with the scale limitations of satellite data we used to assess the presence of snow) during which the first amphibian of the season called at each of our study wetlands in those areas. To do this, we examined contour plots of summaries of all the acoustic data we collected at that site in a given year to identify the unique call signatures of individual amphibian species by date and time. When necessary due to potential confounding on a contour plot, we also examined relevant individual five-minute recordings aurally and visually to confirm whether a call occurred. When [...]


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Eight Day Interval During Which Amphibians First Called.xml
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Eight-day intervals amphibians called.csv 9.23 KB text/csv


To better understand relations between temperature, snowmelt, and the onset of amphibian calling.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7CR5SBH

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