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Elevation point clouds of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015 (LAZ file)


Publication Date


Gibbs, A.E., Nolan, M., and Snyder, A.G., 2019, Orthophotomosaics, elevation point clouds, digital surface elevation models and supporting data from the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Six elevation point cloud files in LAZ format (compressed LAS binary data) are included in this data release: 3 raw point clouds of unclassified and unedited points and 3 modified point clouds that were spatially shifted and edited to remove outliers and spurious elevation values associated with moving water surfaces. An XYZ coordinate shift was applied to each data set in order to register the data sets to an earth-based datum established from surveyed ground control points. Points are unclassified and ground-reflected color values in the red-green-blue (RGB) schema are included. The horizontal coordinate system is WGS84, UTM Zone 7 North meters; vertical coordinates are relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid. Aerial photographs were collected [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

28.59 KB application/fgdc+xml
1.08 GB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20140701_raw.laz 525.77 MB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20150705_edited.laz 441.82 MB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20140907_raw.laz 470.89 MB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20140701_edited.laz 287.49 MB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20140907_edited.laz 254.99 MB application/unknown
BTI_LAS_20150705_browse.jpg thumbnail 245.29 KB image/jpeg


These points provide the calculated XYZ (horizontal and vertical) coordinates and RGB (red-green-blue) values of the land surface on the north coast of Barter Island Alaska collected on three dates over one calendar year. The data were acquired in order to demonstrate the utility of using structure-from-motion photogrammetric methods for deriving digital elevation data using imagery acquired from a fixed-wing aircraft in remote environments. Companion data sets, including orthophotomosaics and digital surface models are used to evaluate fine-scale morphological and volumetric change to beaches and permafrost bluffs.

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