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Building a Roadmap for Making Data FAIR in the U.S. Geological Survey


FAIR is an international set of principles for improving the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of research data and other digital products. The PIs for this CDI project planned and hosted a workshop of USGS data stakeholders, data professionals, and managers of USGS data systems from across the Bureau’s Mission Areas. Workshop participants shared case studies that fostered collaborative discussions, resulting in recommended actions and goals to make USGS research data more FAIR. Project PIs are using the workshop results to produce a roadmap for adopting FAIR principles in USGS. The FAIR Roadmap will be foundational to FY2021 CDI activities to ensure the persistence and usability of USGS funded research, [...]


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Participants in the FAIR Roadmap workshop
Participants in the FAIR Roadmap workshop


  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)



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