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Geochemical characterization, acid neutralization potential, and phosphate removal capacity of modern and legacy iron and steel slag from the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana, USA


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Hoppe, D.A, Piatak, N.M., Seal, R.R., II, and Green, C.J., 2020, Geochemical characterization, acid neutralization potential, and phosphate removal capacity of modern and legacy iron and steel slag from the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Steelmaking slag from near Chicago, USA, may be a viable option for treating phosphate-rich or acidic waters. Iron and steel slags from legacy and modern operations in the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana, USA, are predominantly composed of Ca, Fe, and Si, with generally lesser amounts of Al, Mg, and Mn. Simulated weathering tests suggest that potentially deleterious elements such as Cr and Mn, present in significant concentrations in some samples, are generally hosted in insoluble phases making use in water treatment applications possible. However, generation of high pH and alkaline solutions may be an issue. Batch and flow-through column experiments document effective removal of phosphate from synthetic solutions for nearly [...]

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This data release provides information about iron and steel slags from the Chicago-Gary area of Illinois and Indiana and includes the following: bulk chemistry, acid-base accounting, particle size analysis, synthetic precipitation leaching protocol (SPLP) results, and batch and column phosphate removal experiments. This information provides a geochemical characterization of these slags and may be used to better understand its potential use in water treatment applications such as phosphate removal and acidic neutralization.


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DOI doi:10.5066/P9X7SPIK

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