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Groundwater levels and temperatures in well CH-10b near Hot Creek, Long Valley Caldera, eastern California (ver. 1.0)


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Clor, L., Hurwitz, S., Murphy, F., Howle, J., and Peek, S., 2018, Groundwater levels and temperatures in well CH-10b near Hot Creek, Long Valley Caldera, eastern California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


NOTE: This data release has been superseded by a newer version: Hot Creek Gorge contains the most obvious surface expression of the hydrothermal system in Long Valley Caldera, California, discharging 200-300 L/s of thermal water according to USGS measurements made since 1988. Formerly, Hot Creek was a popular public swimming area, but it was closed in 2006 due to unpredictable temperature fluctuations and sporadic geysering of thermal water within the creek (Evans et al., 2018). The USGS has monitored the thermal regime in the area since the mid-1980s, including a series of long-term studies 0.6 km away at well CH-10b. Temperature measurements in the ~100 m deep well, [...]


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Groundwater levels and temperatures in well CH-10b near Hot Creek, Long Valley Caldera, eastern California (ver 1.0).xml
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The purpose of this Data Release is to compile previously unpublished hydrologic data collected by the USGS from well CH-10b in the Hot Creek region of Long Valley Caldera, California, from 2011 to present (2018 at the time of this writing). When combined with other previously published hydrologic, geochemical, and environmental data available elsewhere (e.g., streamflow in Hot Creek, precipitation, etc., available through links listed as Cross Reference sources), the data presented here could be used to assess the state of the Hot Creek hydrothermal system. The dataset consists of many separate .csv files that have a similar format. The data is arranged in monthly bins, such that each file represents one month of data. The first four rows of each file contain header information. The data begins on row 5. Water level data is not available prior to October 2011, nor barometric pressure data prior to September 2012, as the sensors had not yet been installed. For a six-month period in 2015-2016, barometric pressure data was recorded in a single separate file at 10-minute intervals. During this time period, barometric pressure data is absent from the temperature and water level files. Numerous gaps exist in the dataset, from days to months in duration, due to maintenance, instrumental failures, or inaccessibility of the site during winter months.



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