This collection houses well logs and construction data for water wells, exploration holes, gas storage structures, geotechnical borings, etc. The collection includes but is not limited to: drilling logs, down-hole geophysical logs, and striplogs (lithologic and stratigraphic logs produced by the IGS). This collection represents data from paper files that complement our cuttings/core collections. Together, they comprise much of the basic, raw geologic data for the state.
This collection houses well logs and construction data for water wells, exploration holes, gas storage structures, geotechnical borings, etc. The collection includes but is not limited to: drilling logs, down-hole geophysical logs, and striplogs (lithologic and stratigraphic logs produced by the IGS). This collection represents data from paper files that complement our cuttings/core collections. Together, they comprise much of the basic, raw geologic data for the state.
Iowa Geological Survey
The University of Iowa
300 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1585
Office: 319-335-1575