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Data release for Piloting Urban Ecosystem Accounting for the United States


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Heris, M., Bagstad, K.J., Rhodes, C., Troy, A., Middel, A., Hopkins, K.G., and Matuszak, J., 2021, Data release for Piloting Urban Ecosystem Accounting for the United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


In this study, we develop urban ecosystem accounts in the U.S., using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA) framework. Most ecosystem accounts focus on regional and national scales, which are appropriate for many ecosystem services. However, ecosystems provide substantial services in cities, improving quality of life and contributing to resiliency for substantial parts of the population. Our models estimate energy savings for indoor cooling resulting from heat mitigated by trees and rainfall intercepted by trees. Both models cover major cities in the contiguous U.S. and report the results through physical supply and use tables for multiple accounting periods (2011 and 2016). Using [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

DataDictionary_UrbanESAccounts.csv 2.83 KB text/csv
Heat_allDfsLandcover_processe_2011_urbanAreas_v2.csv 738.64 KB text/csv
Heat_allDfsLandcover_processe_2016_urbanAreas_v2.csv 961.66 KB text/csv
Heat_allDfsLanduse_processed_2011_urbanAreas_v2.csv 1.18 MB text/csv
Heat_allDfsLanduse_processed_2016_urbanAreas_v2.csv 1.42 MB text/csv
Rainfall_allDfsLandcover_processe_2011_urbanAreas_v4.csv 1.07 MB text/csv
Rainfall_allDfsLandcover_processe_2016_urbanAreas_v4.csv 1.07 MB text/csv


The data release has the purpose of serving all the data (that can be released to the public) in a way that can be machine readable. All of the data used in the report is included in tables within the report itself, this data just serves the purpose of providing those datasets in a CSV format.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9QV182X

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