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United States Wind Turbine Database - Current Version (ver. 6.1, November 2023)


Publication Date
Last Revision


Hoen, B.D., Diffendorfer, J.E., Rand, J.T., Kramer, L.A., Garrity, C.P., and Hunt, H.E., 2018, United States Wind Turbine Database (ver. 6.1, November 2023): U.S. Geological Survey, American Clean Power Association, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory data release,


This data provides locations and technical specifications of the current version of the United States Wind Turbines database. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) and Obstruction Evaluation Airport Airspace Analysis (OE-AAA), the American Clean Power Association (ACP), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and were merged and collapsed into a single data set. Verification [...]


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CHANGELOG_uswtdb_v6_1_20231128.txt 22.46 KB text/plain
EntityandAttribute_DataDictionary.csv 4.12 KB text/csv
uswtdb_v6_1_20231128.csv 13.3 MB text/csv 4.78 MB application/zip


The purpose of this information is to provide a regularly updated, publicly available, spatially referenced, national dataset made up almost entirely of utility-scale wind turbine locations and their technical specifications. An appropriate use of the data would be for scientific analysis, research or for general interest for the public. Identification of turbines that have been retrofitted, repowered, decommissioned, and/or removed is a continual ongoing effort; thus, the dataset may contain turbines that were previously verified and subsequently removed.



  • Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center



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This "United States Wind Turbine Database" was created from cooperative agreement and collaboration between the USGS, LBNL, and ACP to compile and release these data. Previous Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States data releases (2013 and 2014) were not part of that agreement. This data has improved ACP and LBNL information, which includes some technical specifications that are obtained directly from project developers and turbine manufacturers. The structure of the USWTDB data is slightly different, such as new attributes, renamed attributes, and the elimination of known removed turbines. Please see the metadata for descriptions and the change log for more details.

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