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Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes : 4 Associated Items

Developing fish trophic interaction indicators of climate change for the Great Lakes  product of  Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes
Dynamic hypoxic zones in Lake Erie compress fish habitat, altering vulnerability to fishing gears  product of  Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes
A comparison of aquatic trophic interactions (fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, and zooplankton) between the Lake Erie Central Basin and the Lake Erie Eastern Basin, 2011-2013  product of  Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes
Understanding How Climate Change will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes  alternate of  Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Aquatic Food Webs in the Great Lakes

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