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Human factors that influence water availability in the Basin were discovered by reviewing hundreds of published literature items and articles from the literature following an extensive keyword search. The different factors were drawn from reviewing the literature, and datasets to support the factor were researched across open data catalogs and the world wide web. Data related to the Human Factors project water availability sectors of agriculture, industrial, municipal, and those related to ecosystem services, tourism, or other uses can be found here.
For the purposes of the Human Factors of Water Availability project the agricultural sector includes the USGS Water Use Program categories of Irrigation, Livestock, and Aquaculture. Data useful for better understanding water demand in the agricultural sector is provided here including Irrigation districts and irrigated land in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Irrigation price of water data is provided for Mesa County, a key agricultural county in the state of Colorado within the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB), as an example of data that impacts demand and supply of water in the agricultural sector. Crop land cover data was retrieved from the CropScape online data application, the R script used to process data...
This dataset includes data quality assurance information concerning the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) of laboratory duplicates. No laboratory duplicate information exists for 2010. The formula for calculating relative percent difference is: ABS(2*[(A-B)/(A+B)]). An RPD of less the 10% is considered acceptable.
Participatory mapping is a general term applied to activities that work with participants to gather and map spatial information to help communities learn, discuss, build consensus, and make decisions about their communities and associated resources (NOAA 2015). Here we used participatory mapping to document the locations of different species of berries and understand any social, ecological, or climatological reasons that these locations may be shifting. Mapping was accomplished using topographic basemaps of the villages and surrounding areas overlaid with mylar sheeting. The area surrounding the villages of Hooper Bay and Kotlik were represented with arrays of 1: 63,360 USGS quadrangle topographic maps (USGS, 2017)....
This dataset contains replicate samples collected in the field by community technicians. No field replicates were collected in 2012. Replicate constituents with differences less than 10 percent are considered acceptable.
This dataset includes laboratory instrument detection limit data associated with laboratory instruments used in the analysis of surface water samples collected as part of the USGS - Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council collaborative water quality monitoring project.
The data in this data release are from an effort focused on understanding social vulnerability to water insecurity, resiliency demonstrated by institutions, and conflict or crisis around water resource management. This data release focuses on definitions and metrics of resilience in water management institutions. Water resource managers, at various scales, are tasked with making complex and time-sensitive decisions in the face of uncertainty, competing objectives, and difficult tradeoffs. To do this, they must incorporate data, tacit knowledge, cultural and organizational norms, and individual or institutional values in a way that maintains consistent and predictable operations under normal circumstances, while...
For the purposes of the Human Factors of Water Availability project the industrial sector includes the USGS Water Use Program categories of Industiral, Mining, and Thermoelectric. Data related to dams, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power generation within the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) are provided here.
Human factors that influence water availability in the Basin were discovered by reviewing hundreds of published literature items and articles from the literature following an extensive keyword search. The different factors were drawn from reviewing the literature, and datasets to support the factor were researched across open data catalogs and the world wide web. Data related to the Human Factors project water availability sectors of agriculture, industrial, municipal, and those related to ecosystem services, tourism, or other uses can be found here. Reproducible R scripts used to pull data or process data can be found within the section for the sector itself. Reproducible R scripts used to manage the literature...
The water-quality data available here has been collected as part of a collaborative monitoring project between the US Geological Survey, Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, and Yukon River Basin communities known as the Indigenous Observation Network. Since 2006 the USGS National Research Program (NRP) and Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) have been partnering to collect water-quality samples from the Yukon River and tributaries with the assistance of trained community members living in the Yukon River Basin. The YRITWC provides support for this project through sample collection, sample processing and shipment logistics with communities and to the USGS. The USGS provides water analysis...
This dataset contains data collected from field blanks. Field blanks are deionized water processed in the field by community technicians using processing methods identical to those for surface water samples. Field blanks are then analyzed in the laboratory following procedures identical to those for surface water samples.
The R scripts used to process citations used in the literature review as described in the Upper Colorado River Basin report are found here.
The active layer data available here has been collected as part of a collaborative monitoring project between the US Geological Survey, Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, and Yukon River Basin communities known as the Active Layer Network (ALN). The active layer is the layer of soil above the permanently frozen ground (permafrost) that thaws during the summer months and freezes again in the autumn. By measuring the depth of the active layer in the late summer at the time of maximum thaw, we are able to better understand the effects of a warming climate on permafrost. ALN monitoring sites were installed across the Yukon River Basin, in Alaska and Canada, in 2009 and 2010. Each monitoring site consists of...
The dataset includes field measurements and laboratory analysis of water-quality data collected by trained community technicians across the Yukon River Basin in Alaska and Canada and Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council staff and analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey National Research Program laboratories in Boulder, CO.
For the purposes of the Human Factors of Water Availability project the muncipal sector includes the USGS Water Use Program categories of Public Supply and Domestic. Data that can be used to estimate water demand for the muncipal sector including water rates and demographics for the City of Denver and Mesa County, Colorado are provided here as examples. Economic Census data are included to understand the productivity of areas in the commercial sector. Water service area boundaries are useful to consider and in the future we hope to improve this type of dataset with additional metadata about service area, such as governance, or other characteristics.
Berries are a crucial nutritional and cultural resource to communities and ecosystems in boreal, subarctic and arctic areas; however, berry abundance and the timing of the berry lifecycle is becoming more variable and unpredictable due to climate change. Climate adaptation plans across the state of Alaska identify changes in berry timing and availability as primary concerns and point to the need for increased monitoring and research on how climate change is influencing berries. While there is a large body of work on plants that produce berries, much of the information is not accessible to those who need it most: land managers and communities planning for an uncertain future. This project will address this critical...
Coastal flooding and erosion caused by storms and sea-level rise threaten infrastructure and public safety in Alaska Native communities. Though the problem is well known, there are few tools that can assess local vulnerability to coastal flood hazards. Even fewer tools can be customized with specific community information to support local adaptation planning. The main goal of this project is to use the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) platform to co-produce customized local flood hazard maps and online tools to support the development of culturally-appropriate and cost-efficient adaptation strategies in Alaska. The project team will work with federal, state, and local community representatives to understand...
A trichotomous choice survey was used to document local expert observations of five berry species locally known as: salmonberry (Rubus chamaemorus), blackberry (Empetrum nigrum), cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), and red berry (Rubus arcticus). The survey consisted of propositions concerning importance of specific berry species within Indigenous households; observations of changes in berry abundance, phenology, habitat, or availability; attribution of potential drivers of change; and instance of changes in behavior in response to changing berry resources. Respondents were asked to agree (yes) or disagree (no) with propositions or state that they were unsure of an answer (don’t...
​The Water Resources Mission A​rea - Social & Economic Drivers Program provides improved understanding of the impacts and interaction of socioeconomics and water availability. Research focuses on improved understanding of socioeconomic influence on water demand, use, and movement regionally; as well as National drivers to improve the ability of the National Water Census to forecast availability under a variety of conditions. This Sciencebase community will be a space for projects within the Social & Economic Drivers Program to store, manage, and share data.

map background search result map search result map Water-Quality Data from the Yukon River Basin in Alaska and Canada Field Measurements and Laboratory Analysis Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta berry harvesting location maps Results from local knowledge of berry resources surveys administered to community experts in four villages of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska Alaska’s Berry Future: Planning for Changing Resources in an Altered Climate Human Factors of Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin Agricultural Sector Municipal Sector Industrial Sector Study Area Human Factors of Water Availability in the Delaware River Basin Building a Coastal Flood Hazard Assessment and Adaptation Strategy with At-Risk Communities of Alaska Metrics of Resilience in Water Management Institutions in the Upper Colorado and Delaware River Basins, United States 2022 Human Factors of Water Availability in the Delaware River Basin Results from local knowledge of berry resources surveys administered to community experts in four villages of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta berry harvesting location maps Human Factors of Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin Agricultural Sector Municipal Sector Industrial Sector Study Area Field Measurements and Laboratory Analysis Metrics of Resilience in Water Management Institutions in the Upper Colorado and Delaware River Basins, United States 2022 Water-Quality Data from the Yukon River Basin in Alaska and Canada Alaska’s Berry Future: Planning for Changing Resources in an Altered Climate Building a Coastal Flood Hazard Assessment and Adaptation Strategy with At-Risk Communities of Alaska