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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > National CASC > FY 2009 Projects > Predicting Coldwater Fish Habitat in Lakes of the Glacial Lakes Region under Changing Land Use and Climate Regimes (Local Assessment) > Approved Products ( Show direct descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___National CASC ____FY 2009 Projects _____Predicting Coldwater Fish Habitat in Lakes of the Glacial Lakes Region under Changing Land Use and Climate Regimes (Local Assessment) ______Approved Products Filters
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Abstract (from Cold-water habitat in lakes is projected to decrease under future climate scenarios, and existing trends suggest such declines are already impacting cold-water fish populations. Herein, we predict the effects of future climate and land use change on cold-water fish habitat in the glacial lakes of the upper midwestern US. Ecoregion-specific, regional regression models were developed to predict annual phosphorus loading rates to lakes based on land use and hydrology and coupled to a previously developed fish habitat model. Outputs from one land use change model and three global climate models were then used to project future...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Fish,
National CASC,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Water, Coasts and Ice,
Wildlife and Plants