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This ScienceBase space provides an array of USGS Series publications, journal articles, and other published references for the Gap Analysis Project (GAP). Information on GAP-related publications can also be found at:
Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: Freshwater fish are among the most vulnerable taxa to climate change globally but are generally understudied in tropical island ecosystems. Climate change is predicted to alter the intensity, frequency, and variability of extreme flow events on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. These changes may impact Caribbean native and non-native stream ecosystems and biota complex ways. We compiled an extensive dataset of native and non-native fish assemblages collected at 119 sites across Puerto Rico from 2005 to 2015. We coupled these data with stream flow indices and dam height to understand how flow dynamics...
The Management Strategy for Migratory Birds on the Mississippi River corridor from Wabasha, Minnesota, to St. Louis, Missouri (Strategy), is a cooperative effort of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Biological Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the Illinois Natural History Survey, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and is designed to create an "integrated, ecological, and proactive approach to management of habitats used by migratory bird populations" within the Upper Mississippi River System. The Migratory...
Fish occurrence data to support high-resolution distribution models and test various community and macroecological hypotheses have not been available at the national scale. We present IchthyMaps, a database of high-quality historical fish occurrences covering fishes of the conterminous United States. Designed on the principles of metacommunity ecology, IchthyMaps is a compilation of presence records from atlases up to 1990, at the resolution of the 1:100,000 National Hydrography Database Plus (NHDPlus) inter-confluence stream segment, readily aggregated into hierarchically coarser units (e.g. hydrologic unit code 8-digit and 12-digit watersheds). IchthyMaps contains about 606,550 presence records for 1,038 species...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Biological Data, Biological sampling, All tags...
The broadly shared information needs for grassland managers in the North Central region to meet conservation goals in a changing climate are presented and ranked as highly relevant, somewhat relevant, or not relevant for federal, state, tribal, and non-governmental grassland-managing entities.
Habitat similarity index (HSI) values for greater sage-grouse across their western range. HSI values represent the relationship of environmental values at map locations to the multivariate model of minimum requirements for sage-grouse deļ¬ned by land cover, anthropogenic variables, soil, topography, and climate.
The Upper Mississippi River, engineered for river navigation in the 1930s, includes a series of low-head dams and navigation pools receiving elevated sediment and nutrient loads from the mostly agricultural basin. Using high-resolution, spatially resolved water quality sensor measurements along 1385 river kilometers, we show that primary productivity and organic matter accumulation affect river carbon dioxide and methane emissions to the atmosphere. Phytoplankton drive CO2to near or below atmospheric equilibrium during the growing season, while anaerobic carbon oxidation supports a large proportion of the CO2 and CH4 production. Reductions of suspended sediment load, absent of dramatic reductions in nutrients, will...
The U.S. Corn Belt is one of the most intensive agricultural regions of the world and is drained by the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), which forms one of the largest drainage basins in the U.S. While the effects of agricultural nitrate (NO3−) on water quality in the UMR have been well documented, its impact on the production of nitrous oxide (N2O) has not been reported. Using a novel equilibration technique, we present the largest data set of freshwater dissolved N2O concentrations (0.7 to 6 times saturation) and examine the controls on its variability over a 350 km reach of the UMR. Driven by a supersaturated water column, the UMR was an important atmospheric N2O source (+68 mg N2O N m−2 yr−1) that varies nonlinearly...
This data release consists of statistical predictions of daily salinity time series generated from the makESTUSAL software repository described by Asquith and others (2023b). The statistical methods included multiple methods of machine learning, which produced the daily salinity prediction and attendant credible uncertainties included in the data release. The geographic scope includes the predictions for 91 locations within bays and estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico, United States. The 91 locations are organized across 15 salinity groups and represented in the organizational structure of this data release. The input data files of imputed salinity (observations, response variable) and covariates (predictor variables)...
The Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) uses a scoring system that integrates a species’ exposure to projected climate change within an assessment area, including sea level rise, and three sets of factors associated with climate change sensitivity, each supported by published studies: 1) species-specific sensitivity and adaptive capacity factors, 2) threat multipliers such as barriers to dispersal and anthropogenic threats, and 3) documented and modeled responses to climate change. Assessing species with the CCVI facilitates grouping unrelated taxa by their relative risk to climate change as well as identifying patterns of climate stressors that affect multiple taxa.
Conclusions: The proportion of sage-grouse nests located within 3 vs 5 km suggested that a 5 km buffer around a lek encompassed the majority of nests. The results indicate that land managers should strive to maintain a 5 km buffer around known sage-grouse lek locations in order to ensure sage-grouse breeding success. Thresholds/Learnings: A 5000m buffer around sage-grouse leks encompassed the majority (64%) of sage-grouse nests. Synopsis: This study used radio-telemetry to determine nesting patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse relative to leks in a relatively contiguous sagebrush habitat in Wyoming. The proportion of nests located within 3 vs 5 km suggested that a 5 km buffer around a lek encompassed the majority of...
This dataset contains information from 674 publications (academic and grey literature) that assessed the effects of climate variability and climate change on the 15 ungulate species that are native to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Greenland. The publication contains literature published between 1947 and September 2020. Information documented includes study location, climate variables assessed, and ungulate outcomes measured (e.g., life history characteristics, population demographics, migratory behavior).
Numerous wind energy projects have been constructed in the central and southern Great Plains, USA, the main wintering area for midcontinent Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis). We assessed exposure of wintering Sandhill Cranes to the current distribution of wind towers in the central and southern Great Plains by estimating overlap using location data from platform transmitting terminals (PTT) collected during winters 1998–2004. Because 90% of wind towers in the region were installed 2004–2013, comparing an established distribution of wind towers (as of January 2014) with pre-construction crane (1998-2004) distribution provides an initial assessment of the midcontinent population’s exposure. Distributions of cranes...
Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake Area The 2011 moment magnitude (Mw) 5.8 central Virginia earthquake was felt by millions of people and caused significant damage in the eastern United States. As part of efforts to better understand the faults and geologic features associated with the earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey commissioned airborne geophysical surveys over the epicentral area. Here we present the data from those surveys and summarize research results based on those datasets. The following items can be obtained by following links on this page: - Background information on the Mineral, Virginia earthquake and a summary of first analysis results - Downloadable...
This USGS data release contains 7Q10 and 30Q10 [lowest annual 7-day and 30-day average streamflow that occurs (on average) once every 10 years] statistics at 292 USGS streamgages in or adjacent to New York State excluding Long Island. all_sites_wstats.csv - includes 7Q10 and 30Q10 values for all sites and includes information on results from the trend analysis and which sites have daily exceedance probability values available. site_regulated_7day_exc_perc#.csv and site_regulated_30day_exc_perc#.csv files include daily exceedance probability values for all altered sites that were not suitable for calculating low flow statistics. R scripts used to compile and screen streamgage datasets of daily flow, perform...
Dispersal can strongly influence the demographic and evolutionary trajectory of populations. For many species, little is known about dispersal, despite its importance to conservation. The Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a species of conservation concern that ranges across 11 western U.S. states and 2 Canadian provinces. To investigate dispersal patterns among spring breeding congregations, we examined a 21-locus microsatellite DNA dataset of 3,244 Greater Sage-Grouse sampled from 763 leks throughout Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, USA, across 7 yr. We recaptured ~2% of individuals, documenting 41 instances of breeding dispersal, with 7 dispersal events of .50 km, including 1 of...
Climate change is altering the thermal habitats of freshwater fish species. We analyze modeled daily temperature profiles from 12,688 lakes in the US to track changes in thermal habitat of 60 lake fish species from different thermal guilds during 1980-2021. We quantify changes in each species’ preferred days, defined as the number of days per year when a lake contains the species’ preferred temperature. We find that cooler-water species are losing preferred days more rapidly than warmer-water species are gaining them. This asymmetric impact cannot be attributed to differences in geographic distribution among species; instead, it is linked to the seasonal dynamics of lake temperatures and increased thermal homogenization...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Dr. Richard Janda of the USGS began a channel monitoring program in Redwood Creek in northern coastal California in 1973. The USGS continued this work through 2013, when the Research Geologist, Dr. Mary Madej retired. This effort produced 40 years of channel change data in rivers that were disrupted by severe erosion following timber harvest of old-growth redwood forests, a portion of the program's data (plus 1953 data) has been preserved in this data release. Original field surveys documented bank erosion, aggradation, and degradation at 60 cross-sectional transects at annual or biannual timesteps. Three river reaches also have long-term longitudinal channel bed surveys which document the distribution and development...
This file provides a table of all the of Species of Greatest Conservation Need listed in the North Central states' (MT, WY, CO, ND, SD, NE, and KS) State Wildlife Action Plans as of summer 2020. Species are organized by the number of states which listed them as Species of Greatest Conservation Need, and then by scientific name. Federal status is also provided for each species. This table is adapted from an unpublished species list compiled by the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center.

map background search result map search result map Publications of the Gap Analysis Project Sage Grouse HSI (habitat similarity index) Spatial distribution of greater sage-grouse nests in relatively contiguous sagebrush habitats. Geographic information system modeling procedures for the Upper Mississippi River System migratory bird pilot project Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake Area Historical Stream Fish Distribution Database for the Conterminous United States (1950-1990): IchthyMaps Wintering sandhill crane exposure to wind energy development in the central and southern Great Plains, USA datasets River Channel Survey Data, Redwood Creek, California, 1953-2013 Genetic recapture identifies long-distance breeding dispersal in Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the North Central Region Broadly Shared Information Needs Among Grassland Managers in the North Central Region The Effects of Flow Extremes on Native and Non-Native Stream Fishes in Puerto Rico (Deprecated July 2024) Low-Flow Statistics for New York State, Excluding Long Island, Computed Through March 2022 Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021 Catalogue of the literature assessing climate effects on ungulates in North America (1947-2020) Climate Change Vulnerability Index Release 4.0: Excel Workbook Sage Grouse HSI (habitat similarity index) Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake Area Genetic recapture identifies long-distance breeding dispersal in Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Spatial distribution of greater sage-grouse nests in relatively contiguous sagebrush habitats. Geographic information system modeling procedures for the Upper Mississippi River System migratory bird pilot project Low-Flow Statistics for New York State, Excluding Long Island, Computed Through March 2022 Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021 Wintering sandhill crane exposure to wind energy development in the central and southern Great Plains, USA datasets Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the North Central Region Broadly Shared Information Needs Among Grassland Managers in the North Central Region Climate Change Vulnerability Index Release 4.0: Excel Workbook Historical Stream Fish Distribution Database for the Conterminous United States (1950-1990): IchthyMaps Catalogue of the literature assessing climate effects on ungulates in North America (1947-2020) Publications of the Gap Analysis Project