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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) program, through its Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM) element, collected aerial imagery of the systemic Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) during the summer of 2020. The main purpose of the aerial imagery was to develop Land Cover/Land Use (LCU) spatial datasets of navigable pools (the stretch of river between locks and dams) and reaches of the UMRS. These pools and reaches include Pools 1 through 26, the Open River Reach, the entire Illinois River, and the navigable portions of the Minnesota, St. Croix, and Kaskaskia Rivers. Digital aerial imagery was collected of the systemic Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) from 2020-08-11...
This data release documents proposed updates to geologic inputs (faults) for the upcoming 2023 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM). This version (1.0) conveys differences between 2014 NSHM fault sources and those recently released in the earthquake geology inputs for the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) 2023, version 1.0 data release by Hatem et al. (2021). A notable difference between the 2014 and 2023 datasets is that slip rates are provided at points for 2023 instead of generalized along the entire fault section length as in 2014; consequently, slip rates are not provided for fault sections in the draft 2023 dataset. Geospatial data (shapefile, kml and geojson) are provided in this data release with...
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 517 days (in three separate deployments) off the north coast of Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – fore reef ROI13W2 and ROI13E2 – outer reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – middle reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – inner reef flat
The Murderer’s Creek mule deer herd winters south of U.S. Route 26 in river valleys near Canyon Creek, Murderer’s Creek, and the South Fork John Day River. The herd’s winter ranges are characterized by western juniper, big sagebrush, and Columbia Basin grassland communities, with medusahead and other non-native grasses invading lower elevations. In the spring, mule deer mainly migrate southeast to summer ranges distributed throughout Gilbert Ridge and the Aldrich Mountains, some traveling as far south as Devon Ridge and east to Ironside Mountain. Summer ranges in these areas contain mixed-conifer forests, ponderosa pine, and low sagebrush communities. A smaller portion of this herd migrates northeast in the spring,...
The Trout Creek mule deer herd is composed of residents and migrants that make short-range elevational migrations. Mule deer mainly winter at lower elevations surrounding Blue Mountain and the slopes of the Oregon Canyon Mountains. In spring, some of these mule deer migrate to higher elevations in the Oregon Canyon Mountains. Other members of the herd winter in the southwestern portion of the herd’s range, inhabiting areas near Hawks Mountain, the Pueblo Mountains, and the foothills of the Trout Creek Mountains. These mule deer migrate to summer ranges on the crests of Holloway Mountain and the Trout Creek Mountains. Notably, one mule deer formerly wintering on the Trout Creek Mountains migrated south from a summer...
The Trout Creek mule deer herd is composed of residents and migrants that make short-range elevational migrations. Mule deer mainly winter at lower elevations surrounding Blue Mountain and the slopes of the Oregon Canyon Mountains. In spring, some of these mule deer migrate to higher elevations in the Oregon Canyon Mountains. Other members of the herd winter in the southwestern portion of the herd’s range, inhabiting areas near Hawks Mountain, the Pueblo Mountains, and the foothills of the Trout Creek Mountains. These mule deer migrate to summer ranges on the crests of Holloway Mountain and the Trout Creek Mountains. Notably, one mule deer formerly wintering on the Trout Creek Mountains migrated south from a summer...
South of Interstate 40 elk reside primarily in Arizona’s Game Management Unit (GMU) 8. Upon completing population surveys in 2021, approximately 4,000 elk were estimated to inhabit GMU 8. Their summer range is primarily characterized by high-elevation ponderosa pine forests and grasslands. The elk radiate out from various origin points within their summer range to their winter range, comprised of rims of canyons in the area, including Sycamore Canyon, Tule Canyon, and Government Canyon. This series of canyons creates an impermeable southern boundary for this herd. Their winter range along the rim country is primarily characterized by pinyon-juniper, manzanita, and scrub oak. Interstate 40 is the primary threat to...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-NWT was developed to evaluate historical and potential stream capture in the lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada. The Humboldt River Basin is the only river basin that is contained entirely within the state of Nevada. The effect of groundwater pumping on the Humboldt River is not well understood. Tools are needed to determine stream capture and manage groundwater pumping in the Humboldt River Basin. Previous work has demonstrated that the river’s surface-water resource is sensitive to groundwater withdrawals, which have steadily increased since the 1950s for agriculture, municipal, and mining uses. A numerical groundwater flow model was developed for the purpose...
The Hualien cluster is named for a city on the east coast of Taiwan. The region has been very seismically active at magnitudes up to low magnitude 6 in recent decades but on April 2, 2024 it experienced a 7.4 Mw earthquake. The cluster includes the mainshock of the April 2024 sequence and 15 of the larger aftershocks. Local and regional data from the very dense Taiwan network is available for events up to June 2022 but for the more recent events only a handful of the Taiwanese stations were available at the time of this analysis. Recent events all have large datasets of far-regional and teleseismic readings, however, and are well-constrained in the cluster. Only three events have magnitude less than 5.0. All events...
This coverage includes arcs, polygons and polygon labels that describe U.S. Geological Survey defined geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey. (Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Vatican City.) Each province has a set of geologic characteristics distinguishing it from surrounding provinces. These characteristics may include the...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: AL, AN, AU, Adana/Sivas, Province 2079, Adriatic Basin, Province 4058, All tags...
This collection (known internally at Maryland Geological Survey as Component 8) consists of 211 infrared, 9 in. by 9 in. aerial photographs (211 unique frames) flown on a 7.5-minute U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle basis. The photographs date from 1988-1989 and were flown or otherwise acquired by the USGS National Aerial Photograph Program (NAPP). The Maryland counties covered by these photographs include Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Kent, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Washington, and Worcester Counties. The scale of these photographs is not printed on the photographs; however, Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) calculates the scale to be approximately...
Publicly available geospatial data were identified, collated, and analyzed for a region of karst terrain extending from Albany to Buffalo, New York. A series of geospatial datasets were assembled to determine the location and extent of karstic rock; bedrock geology and depth to bedrock; average water-table configuration; surficial geology; soil type, thickness, and hydraulic conductivity; land cover; and closed depressions in the land surface First release: 2021 Revised: July 2022 (ver. 2.0) Revised: October 2022 (ver. 3.0) Revised: January 2024 (ver. 4.0)
The Toyama cluster is named for Toyama Prefecture on the northwest coast of Honshu, Japan. It is based on a 7.5 Mw earthquake on January 1, 2024. The cluster includes a foreshock and 32 aftershocks of the first 36 hours. The area has been seismically active for many years and the cluster includes many earlier earthquakes that provide the data coverage necessary for location calibration. Fluid flow driven by magmatic activity has been identified as a likely cause of seismicity in the area by Keisuke Yoshida and colleagues. Nearly all events in the cluster are observed to teleseismic distances. Most events have depth control from near-source and local-distance arrivals, but a few are set to the default depth of 15.0...
This dataset contains a thematic [classified] image derived from supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery. This data release contains a geospatial thematic (raster) image derived from a supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery obtained during 2020–21. Arundo donax (Arundo cane, giant reed, or Carrizo cane), is an invasive bamboo-like perennial grass most common to riparian areas throughout the southwestern United States. Because it displaces native riparian vegetation, Arundo cane has greatly disrupted the health of riparian ecosystems in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico during the past 50 years. Arundo cane also has created border security problems along the...
This dataset contains a thematic [classified] image derived from supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery. This data release contains a geospatial thematic (raster) image derived from a supervised classification of WorldView-3 satellite imagery obtained during 2020–21. Arundo donax (Arundo cane, giant reed, or Carrizo cane), is an invasive bamboo-like perennial grass most common to riparian areas throughout the southwestern United States. Because it displaces native riparian vegetation, Arundo cane has greatly disrupted the health of riparian ecosystems in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico during the past 50 years. Arundo cane also has created border security problems along the...
This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-631-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw acoustic backscatter returns were digitized by the echosounder with a vertical resolution of 1.25 cm. Depths from the echosounders were computed using sound velocity profiles measured using a YSI CastAway CTD during...
The data contained in child items of this page were developed to support the Species Status Assessments conducted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and conservation planning for State, Federal, and non-government researchers, managers, landowners, and other partners for five focal herpetofauna species: gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), southern hognose snake (Heterodon simus), Florida pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus), gopher frog (Lithobates capito), and striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus). These data were developed by the USGS Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Georgia in collaboration with other partners. The three child items contain the following data: (1)...

map background search result map search result map Quad-Based Infrared Aerial Photographs, 1988-1989 Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2014 Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 Geospatial Data to Assess Karst Aquifer Systems Between Albany and Buffalo, New York (ver. 4.0, January 2024) Summary of proposed changes to geologic inputs for the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) 2023, version 1.0 Geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey, 2000 (prv4_2l) 2020 Systemic Imagery, Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) Collection of Margaret Kaeding Field Maps 35-83 Mineral Investigation of the West Needle Wilderness Study Area and the BLM West Needle Contiguous Wilderness Study Area, La Plata and San Juan Counties, Colorado Arundo donax (Arundo Cane) Image Classification along the Rio Grande in Webb County, Texas, September 26, 2020 Arundo donax (Arundo Cane) Image Classification along the Rio Grande in Webb County, Texas, May 07, 2021 MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) NSHM23_EQGeoDB_v3 Arizona Elk South of Interstate 40 Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Murderer's Creek Winter Ranges Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Migration Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Stopovers Japan, Toyama: 1967-2024 Taiwan, Hualien: 2012-2024 Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 Arundo donax (Arundo Cane) Image Classification along the Rio Grande in Webb County, Texas, September 26, 2020 Arundo donax (Arundo Cane) Image Classification along the Rio Grande in Webb County, Texas, May 07, 2021 35-83 Mineral Investigation of the West Needle Wilderness Study Area and the BLM West Needle Contiguous Wilderness Study Area, La Plata and San Juan Counties, Colorado MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) Taiwan, Hualien: 2012-2024 Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Stopovers Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Migration Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Murderer's Creek Winter Ranges Japan, Toyama: 1967-2024 Collection of Margaret Kaeding Field Maps Geospatial Data to Assess Karst Aquifer Systems Between Albany and Buffalo, New York (ver. 4.0, January 2024) Quad-Based Infrared Aerial Photographs, 1988-1989 2020 Systemic Imagery, Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system NSHM23_EQGeoDB_v3 Summary of proposed changes to geologic inputs for the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) 2023, version 1.0 Geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey, 2000 (prv4_2l)