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Album caption and index card: Panorama of New Cornelia mine, from south. Phelps Dodge Corp. Pima County, Arizona. Forms panorama with J. Gilluly photograph numbers 4 - 10. Handwritten note on album caption: 1933. Notes: Published as Plate 2-B, in U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 209. (1946)
Form a panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range from a point in sec. 18, T. 15 S., R. 43 E., Montpelier quadrangle; Snowdrift peneplain (?) in extreme back ground. Starting with the right portion of photo 100, the following formations, or members of are exposed; Bloomington formation, Nounan limestone, and Worm Creek quartzite member (to 101) then, St. Charles limestone, continuing in to 102, which also shows, the Garden City limestone that is overlain by the Swan Peak quartz (in 103). Bear Lake County, Idaho. July 8, 1912. Plate 21-C, with graphics, in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 152. 1927.
Form a panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range from a point in sec. 18, T. 15 S., R. 43 E., Montpelier quadrangle; Snowdrift peneplain (?) in extreme back ground. Starting with the right portion of photo 100, the following formations, or members of are exposed; Bloomington formation, Nounan limestone, and Worm Creek quartzite member (to 101) then, St. Charles limestone, continuing in to 102, which also shows, the Garden City limestone that is overlain by the Swan Peak quartz (in 103). Bear Lake County, Idaho. July 8, 1912. Plate 21-C, with graphics, in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 152. 1927.
Panorama formed from photos 80 and 81, from near Montpelier Creek, looking northwest; shows southern tip of uneroded part of overthrust block and position of subordinate branch fault; Carboniferous formations; Thaynes group; Nugget sandstone; Twin Creek limestone. Syncline and anticlines of lower fault block in foreground. Bear Lake County, Idaho. August 25, 1911. Plate 36-C, with graphics, in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 152. 1927.
Album caption: Worthington Glacier, from trail, looking west. Alaska. 1900. Handwritten information on album caption: Copper River Region. Alaska. 1900. No index card available.
This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, lidar-derived imagery of the Front Royal 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in West Virginia and Virginia. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) and lidar point cloud (LPC). The lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2014 and 2021. The data were processed using geographic information systems (GIS) software. The data is projected in WGS 1984 Web Mercator. This representation illustrates the terrain as a hillshade with contrast adjusted to highlight local relief according to a topographic position index (TPI) calculation.
The USGS uses an integrated geologic, hydrologic, and geophysical approach to characterize the unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers in the State. Hydrogeologic framework characterization is the backbone of most groundwater-related studies, including those involving aquifer mapping, saltwater-intrusion delineation, groundwater flow and transport modeling, geologic-hazards evaluation, water-tunnel construction and repair, geothermal assessments, and groundwater-quality sampling. The NYWSC uses state-of-the-art geophysical equipment for training and methods development for geophysics that include borehole-wall imagers, gamma spectral, induction, and full waveform sonic tools, and electromagnetic and heat-pulse flowmeters....
Panorama with images 042 and 043. View showing section overlying the Eagle at same locality as image 041, including almost the entire thickness of Claggett formation with the base of the light colored Judith River beds overlying it on the right. The nearly horizontal Judith River beds in the distance are beyond a fault. Blaine County, Montana. 1903.
These data represent a Global Positioning System (GPS) survey generated using a Trimble R10 Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The survey extends along the Cedar River streambed in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where a wastewater treatment diffuser pipe is installed. Cross-sectional representations were produced to depict stream depth and streambed elevation. Cross-sectional data should be interpreted from a downstream perspective.
Gypsum outcrop on Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad, Sec. 6., T. 8 N., R. 28 W., near Fort Dodge. Iowa. June 9, 1916.
Upper Freeport coal with overlying shales and base of Mahoning sandstone at south portal of Baltimore and Ohio railroad tunnel, Stony Creek. Cambria County, Pennsylvania. 1906. Plate 7-B in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 447. 1911.
Blocks of Platteville limestone on eroded surface of St. Peter sandstone left in this position at foot of receding falls of river Warren. Exposed in railroad cut west of High Bridge, St. Paul. Ramsey County, Minnesota. 1914. Plate 20 in U.S. Geological Survey Folio 201. 1916
Glacier National Park, Montana. West from the summit of Red Eagle Mountain: Going-to-the-Sun Mountain in the center (photo sec0347a) and Great Northern Railroad chalets on Upper Saint Mary Lake beneath it. Photo by C.S. Corbett. August 1914. Photos sec00347, sec0347a, sec0347b form a panorama.

map background search result map search result map Panorama of New Cornelia mine. Pima County, Arizona. 1933. Bakers Park, from the mouth of Arastra Gulch. San Juan County, Colorado. 1874. (Stereoscopic view) Sultan Mountains from Arastra Gulch. San Juan County, Colorado. 1874. (Stereoscopic view) Stereo studies among the Rocky Mountains. Henry's Lake, from a point on the east side. Fremont County, Idaho. 1872. Emigrant Peak from Boteler's. Park County, Montana. 1872. Stereo studies among the Rocky Mountains. Bridger Canyon near Fort Ellis. Gallatin County, Montana. 1872. Uncompahgre Peak from the south. Hinsdale County, Colorado. 1875. Carboniferous formations; Thaynes group; Nugget sandstone; Twin Creek limestone. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1911. Panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1912. Panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1912. Upper Freeport coal with overlying shales and base of Mahoning sandstone at south portal of Baltimore and Ohio railroad tunnel, Stony Creek. Cambria County, Pennsylvania. 1906. Blocks of Platteville limestone on eroded surface of St. Peter sandstone left in this position at foot of receding falls of river Warren. Ramsey County, Minnesota. 1914. View showing section overlying the Eagle including almost the entire thickness of Claggett formation. Blaine County, Montana. 1903. West from the summit of Red Eagle Mountain. Glacier National Park, Montana. 1914. Gypsum outcrop on Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad, near Fort Dodge. Iowa. 1916. Geophysics Big rock slide off Tennessee Highway 73. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1955. Worthington Glacier, from trail, looking west. Alaska. 1900. Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Front Royal 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls U.S. Geological Survey Wastewater Diffuser Survey in Cedar Falls Bakers Park, from the mouth of Arastra Gulch. San Juan County, Colorado. 1874. (Stereoscopic view) Sultan Mountains from Arastra Gulch. San Juan County, Colorado. 1874. (Stereoscopic view) Upper Freeport coal with overlying shales and base of Mahoning sandstone at south portal of Baltimore and Ohio railroad tunnel, Stony Creek. Cambria County, Pennsylvania. 1906. Carboniferous formations; Thaynes group; Nugget sandstone; Twin Creek limestone. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1911. Panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1912. Panoramic view of south side of St. Charles canyon and of the Bear River range. Bear Lake County, Idaho. 1912. Uncompahgre Peak from the south. Hinsdale County, Colorado. 1875. Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Front Royal 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution Big rock slide off Tennessee Highway 73. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee. 1955. West from the summit of Red Eagle Mountain. Glacier National Park, Montana. 1914. Stereo studies among the Rocky Mountains. Henry's Lake, from a point on the east side. Fremont County, Idaho. 1872. Emigrant Peak from Boteler's. Park County, Montana. 1872. View showing section overlying the Eagle including almost the entire thickness of Claggett formation. Blaine County, Montana. 1903. Stereo studies among the Rocky Mountains. Bridger Canyon near Fort Ellis. Gallatin County, Montana. 1872. Panorama of New Cornelia mine. Pima County, Arizona. 1933. Gypsum outcrop on Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad, near Fort Dodge. Iowa. 1916. Geophysics Worthington Glacier, from trail, looking west. Alaska. 1900.